Esteffan Coetzee

Sep 17, 20192 min

Get your Free Resources for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Are you and your organisation ready for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2019? This is your opportunity to share key cybersecurity knowledge with your networks and help build a more secure community!

What are we doing during Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

GoldPhish is proud to provide free CyberMonth2019 educational resources you can distribute through the month of October. The toolkit will help you inform, educate, and empower your networks on simple Cybersecurity controls and why we should all try and ‘BeCybaware’.

What is Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

It’s an annual campaign aimed at educating the public about the growing threat of cyber crime to themselves and organisations. While it began in the United States, it has grown to be a globally recognised campaign. It runs throughout the whole of October each year.

What are we providing?

Our free toolkit helps remind your employees, your clients and your far-reaching networks that every little bit helps when it comes to fighting cyber crime. Materials support your cybersecurity awareness and education program and includes web banners, posters, infographics and eye-catching, ready-made social media updates with accompanying graphics that you can post daily across all your social media channels.

Where can I get these resources?
Download the BeCybaware Toolkit here>> and programme in your campaign!

What else can we do during Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

All it takes is one ‘bad phish’ to wreak havoc on your network and send your business into turmoil. Therefore, it is important to engage and inform everyone across your organisation – employees, clients and vendors – to keep security top of mind. This little infographic will help you think about creative ways you can kick-start your awareness campaign! Why not share it across your network today?

CybACADEMY courses powered by GoldPhish® educate employees on the cyber risk and helps build a more secure organisation with awareness training.

Want more information on products and services provided by GoldPhish

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